healthy recipe of chicken breast Feature Image

Healthy Recipe of Chicken Breast -Easy & Delicious

Chicken is a great source of protein and chicken breast is not only high in protein but also low in fat which makes it a healthy option. Chicken breast is used for making a variety of tasty and healthy dishes. As packed with lean protein it is widely used in healthy recipes. Healthy recipe chicken breast is a common search term used nowadays. Not only it’s healthy but it is also easy to cook, that’s why it is used for quick meal preps.

Healthy Recipe of Chicken Breast

I had a lot of queries related to easy and healthy recipe for chicken breast. So today I am here to share my personal favorite and super easy recipe with all of you. I invented this recipe during covid, when I had to eat healthy meals, but as we all know most of the time healthy recipes are tasteless, so I prepared this yummy, juicy, and full of flavors healthy recipe of chicken breast.

The Best part about making this healthy chicken breast recipe is that it can be baked, air fried, or grilled as per your preference. Secondly it will come out super tender and juicy without drying no matter whether you bake it, grill it or air fry it. Besides all this, you will love to enjoy this recipe because it will be ready to enjoy within half an hour. Also, you can serve it along with rice, and bread, or use it in healthy meal preps and salads. Last but not least you can make it with simple ingredients that are available in your kitchen and you don’t have to rush to grocery store.

What You Will Need

Healthy recipe chicken breast ingredients image

Chicken Breast: I use skinless chicken breast in the recipe. Although you can also you chicken with bone. Personally, I use boneless thin chicken cutlets for this recipe as it cooks easily and evenly. If you don’t have chicken cutlets then you can take same size chicken breast and cut them horizontally in two halves. To make them thinner you can pound them. Thinner slices are cooked faster.

Olive Oil: I use olive oil to enhance the taste of chicken breast but you can also use butter. A little fat content will prevent it from drying.

Seasoning: Seasoning this healthy recipe of chicken breast makes it super delicious. Turmeric is a key ingredient that makes it healthy and delicious at the same time. Paprika will add a hint of smoke to the recipe. Coriander, cumin, black pepper, and garlic powder boost the aroma of the recipe. However, you can also add a touch of Italian aroma by adding Italian seasoning. To be honest this recipe is a versatile recipe that you can season according to your taste buds.

Salt Water: Salt and water are use to bath the chicken before baking it. This technique is called brining, it will help in locking moisture. This will turn the chicken breast juicy and tender. The salt to water ratio is key in this technique, you have to take 1/4 cup of salt for every 4 cups of water. I like to use Himalayan pink salt for brining the chicken.

Step By Step Directions

Step1: Pre Heat the Oven

  • Firstly, preheat your oven to 232°C.

Step2: Prepare Chicken Cutlets

  • Take two large skinless chicken breasts and cut them horizontally in two halves. To make them equally thin wrap them in a cling wrap and pound gently.

Step3: Brine the Chicken

  • In a bowl filled with water, mix salt and ready a salt water to brine the chicken. Let the chicken rest in salt water for 10-15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes take it out and pat dry with a kitchen towel.

Step4: Prepare Seasoning

  • Take a bowl and add turmeric, salt, black pepper, paprika, cumin powder, coriander powder, and garlic powder into the bowl. Give them a good mix using a spoon to combine well. and the seasoning is ready.

Step5: Season the Chicken

  • In a baking dish place your chicken cutlets and then brush both sides of chicken cutlets with olive oil. Then sprinkle the prepared spices generously on both sides of the chicken cutlets.

Step6: Bake the Chicken

  • Bake the chicken in preheated oven for 17-20 minutes.
  • After baking the chicken, take it out from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes.

Step7: Serving Suggestions

  • Garnish it with freshly cut lemons and chopped coriander. You can serve it with boiled rice, hummus, or sauteed vegetables. You can also use it in meal prep or in healthy salads.

Tips That Will Help

  • Use a large size baking dish and don’t crowd the dish by placing the chicken cutlets close to each other.
  • Use a thermometer to check whether chicken breast is ready or not. The internal temperature when reaches 160- 165 then it will be ready.
  • Make sure to brine the chicken at room temperature.
  • If you are using frozen chicken then thaw it first or you can do it while brining.
  • Before serving and cutting let the chicken rest so all the juices re-incorporate within it perfectly.
  • Cut the chicken against the grain so it will be more tender and tasty.
  • Cooking chicken breast for low time at high temperature will make it more juicy and prevent it from drying, so make sure to set your timer correctly.
Healthy recipe chicken breast Baking image


What is the healthiest way to cook chicken breast?

The healthy way of cooking chicken breast can be achieved through a variety of methods. It is important that the method you are using will retain the nutritional value of meat without adding extra unhealthy fats. The healthy methods of cooking chicken breast include, grilling of chicken, baking of chicken, steaming, broiling, and slow cooking. Air fryer chicken is also a healthy way to cook chicken.

How to store cooked chicken breast?

You can store the cooked chicken breast for a longer period both ways by refrigerating it or freezing it. Use a plastic container or a ziplock bag to store chicken breast to avoid air exposure. You can refrigerate chicken breast for 3-4 days, while for a longer period freeze chicken breast for 2-3 months. Label the stored chicken to track the freshness. Make sure that chicken breast is completely cool before storing it.

Which temperature is best for baking chicken breast?

It will be best if you bake the chicken breast at a high temperature for a minimum time. The best temperature for baking is around 200°C to 232°C. Make sure to check the internal temperature of the chicken breast, when it reaches 160-165 it will be ready. At this point, the harmful bacteria inside chicken will be destroyed. You can use a thermometer to measure the temperature.

How to prevent chicken breast from drying in the oven?

You can easily prevent the chicken breast from drying out by applying some of the tips and tricks during cooking. Make sure to take thin slices so they cook evenly, another useful tip is brining the chicken it will help in locking moisture, Use a thermometer to check on temperature, Resting chicken after baking is a key step to prevent it from drying. You can use foil to cover chicken breast while baking it will also lock in moisture of the chicken.

Can I skip brining the chicken?

Brining the chicken before baking is totally optional and it is everyone’s personal choice. By brining the chicken your chicken becomes more juicy and flavorful. But if you want to skip this step you can surely leave it behind.

How long should I bake chicken breast?

The baking time varies from recipe to recipe. It also changes according to the size and thickness of chicken breast, if you have already marinated the chicken then it may consume less time, if you are baking directly then it may take longer. The thin and small slices take less time as compared to thick and big slices. However, the average baking time of chicken breast is between 20-30 minutes.

What to serve with chicken breast?

There are a wide range of varieties that you can serve with chicken breast. You can serve it with sauteed, steamed or roasted vegetables. You can also serve it with rice, bread, mashed potatoes, or pasta. Different types of healthy sauces and dips can e served with chicken breast like honey mustard, pesto, hummus and tzatziki. You can also serve it along with your favorite soup. You can have it with feta cheese in different salad recipes.

Is chicken breast healthiest?

Chicken breast is full of lean proteins, it is also a low-fat meat that makes it a healthy option. It also contains B vitamins and other healthy nutrient contents. However, I recommend to consuming organic meat for better quality.

What is the healthiest form of eating chicken?

The healthiest form of consuming chicken depends on what type of chicken cut you are eating, what method you are using for cooking, and what type of marination you are using. Eating lean cuts and using methods that retain their nutritional value is what makes a chicken healthy to consume.

Healthy recipe of chicken breast recipe card image

Healthy Recipe of Chicken Breast

This yummy, juicy, and full of flavors healthy recipe of chicken breast is one of my favorite recipes. It is super easy and quick to make with just minimal ingredients.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Total Time 34 minutes
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 2 persons
Calories 220 kcal


  • Oven
  • Thermometer (optional)


  • 2 Large Boneless Chicken Cutlets
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tsp Salt
  • 1 Tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 Tsp Paprika Powder
  • 1 Tsp Turmeric Powder
  • 1 Tsp Black Pepper Powder
  • 1 Tsp Coriander Powder
  • 1 Tsp Cumin Powder
  • 4 Cups Water
  • 1/4 Cup Salt


  • Firstly, preheat your oven to 232°C.
  • Take two large skinless chicken breasts and cut them horizontally in two halves. To make them equally thin wrap them in a cling wrap and pound gently.
  • In a bowl filled with water, mix salt and ready a salt water to brine the chicken. Let the chicken rest in salt water for 10-15 minutes.
  • After 15 minutes take it out and pat dry with a kitchen towel.
  • Take a bowl and add turmeric, salt, black pepper, paprika, cumin powder, coriander powder, and garlic powder into the bowl. Give them a good mix using a spoon to combine well. and the seasoning is ready.
  • In a baking dish place your chicken cutlets and then brush both sides of chicken cutlets with olive oil. Then sprinkle the prepared spices generously on both sides of the chicken cutlets.
  • Bake the chicken in preheated oven for 17-20 minutes.
  • After baking the chicken, take it out from the oven and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Garnish it with freshly cut lemons and chopped coriander. You can serve it with boiled rice, hummus, or sauteed vegetables. You can also use it in meal prep or in healthy salads.
Keyword chicken breast recipe, easy chicken breast recipe, healthy chicken breast, healthy recipe chicken breast

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