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Candy Grapes-TikTok Viral Snack

The bite-sized candy grapes will blow your taste buds with their sweet and sour taste. Coated with sugar syrup and rolled in jello this sweet snack is perfect for parties. It is an enjoyable treat for kids as well as adults.

What are Candy Grapes?

Candy grapes, candied grapes, jello grapes, or Jolly Rancher grapes are sweet snacks that are created by coating grapes in sugar syrup. Then for a variation, they are rolled in crushed candies or other prefabble coatings.

This sweet and fruity snack became a trend on Tiktok in recent years as an easy and unique snack recipe. It is a tempting candy, you can find at vendor’s stalls in carnival feasts and events. However, I can’t wait for a feast and prepare it in my kitchen with simple ingredients. Let’s scroll to discover more about my version of the candied grapes recipe.

What You Will Need

candy grapes ingredients

Grapes: Seedless grapes goes well for this recipe. I am using a mix of red and green seedless ones.

Sugar: I am using granulated white sugar for preparing the sugar coating. However, you can try jaggery or melted candies for the variation in the recipe.

Water: We use water to prepare the sugar syrup.

Jello Powder: I am using jello powder to enhance the taste of candied grapes. You can skip this ingredient as it is optional. If you like a sour taste then go for a sour flavor jello. To balance the sweet and sour taste don’t go for sugar-free jello powder. If you avoid sourness, look for the jello flavors that are not sour.

Step By Step Directions

Step1- Wash and Dry Grapes:

  • Thoroughly wash the grapes under tap water.
  • Then gently pat them to dry with a kitchen towel.

Step2- Prepare Sugar Syrup:

  • In a saucepan, combine sugar and water.
  • Then let them dissolve over medium heat.
  • Stir the mixture in between until the sugar completely dissolves.

Step3- Add Jello Powder:

  • Then add a teaspoon of jello powder into the sugar syrup.
  • Stir it to dissolve well.

Step4- Coat the Grapes:

  • Take a fork or chopstick and one by one dip each grape thoroughly into the sugar syrup.
  • Then place them on a butter paper-lined tray.
  • Let it partly harden for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then generously roll them in jello powder.

Step5- Set and Serve:

  • Let them set on the tray for 1-2 hours at room temperature.
  • Enjoy as a snack or use as a garnish for ice creams and desserts.
candy grapes making

Variations You Will Love To Try

The internet has a lot of variations of candied grapes recipes. Some like to make this recipe simply and easily, while others like to experiment with the recipe. Although the basics of the recipe remian the same that is coating of grapes in the syrup. Here are some variations that you will love to try.

Jello Grapes

It is the easiest recipe for making grapes snack. Just wash the grapes and pat them dry. Then roll them in jello powder and the tempting jello grapes are ready to enjoy.

Jolly Rancher Candied Grapes

Jolly Rancher or Crack Grapes is the hyped internet recipe. There is a slight difference between Jolly Rancher and candy grapes recipes, grapes are dipped in melted candy syrup instead of sugar syrup. Then they are rolled in crushed candies.

Tips That Will Help

  • Completely dry the grapes before coating them in the mixture. Otherwise, the moisture will prevent them from sticking to the syrup.
  • Make sure that the sugar syrup temperature reaches 148°C. Otherwise, it may not get hardened.
  • Use a thermometer to measure the temperature.
  • To check whether the syrup is ready or not drop a teaspoon of syrup into ice water and if it forms a hard thread, then it is ready for coating the grapes.
  • You can double-coat the grapes with syrup for a thicker coating.
  • You can add food color f your choice for a richer look.
  • Avoid coating all grapes at once, they will stick to one another.
  • Drip off the excess coating before setting it on the tray.
  • Make sure to use a large tray so grapes won’t touch each other.
  • You can set them in the refrigerator to speed up the process.
candy grapes image


What type of grapes are best for the recipe?

For candied grapes recipe, seedless grapes are a first and foremost choice. You can use red or green seedless grapes, but it depends on one’s choice. Commonly bite-sized varieties like Thomson seedless and Flame seedless grapes are used for making this delicious snack.

Why sugar coating is not sticking to the grapes?

If your grapes are not sticking to sugar syrup, it may be due to some sort of blunder. Having moisture on grapes, consistency of sugar syrup, and temperature of grapes play a part in this sort of problem. Make sure your grapes are at room temperature and free from moisture. In addition, check the temperature of the sugar syrup using a thermometer, then toss the grapes well with the syrup and allow them to set and harden.

Can I use other fruits instead of grapes?

Yes, you can alter the recipe with various fruits like strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries Trying this out with slices of peaches, apples, kiwis, and oranges is also a great idea to explore the taste and texture of different fruit snacks.

What is the taste of Candied grapes?

Candied grapes have a sweet and sour taste with a crunch. The freshness of fruits and the sweetness of sugar make candied grapes a delightful snack. It has a juicy interior with a crunchy exterior. However, you can taste the flavor of different coatings as per choice.

Can I freeze candy grapes?

If you have leftover candied grapes then freezing them is not a good idea, they become mushy when thawed. However, if you want frozen candied grapes then set them in the freezer for an hour after coating.

How to store candy grapes?

In an airtight container store the leftover candied grapes at room temperature for 2-3 days. You can store the container in the refrigerator for a week, but storing the candied grapes for a longer time may change its texture.

What is the difference between cotton candy grapes and candied grapes?

The term cotton candy grapes confuse, one to think that it is coated with cotton candy. However, it is a type of fresh grapes that are developed by genetic mutation. The breeding method enhances their sweetness and they taste like cotton candy. On the other hand, candied grapes are sweet snacks that are prepared by coating the grapes in sugar or candy syrup.

Is candy grapes healthy?

Grapes themselves are healthy and full of nutrients, but the sugar coating in candied grapes increases the sugar content and calories. Excessive sugar is not healthy, but consuming occasionally in a balanced way is not a bad thing to do. If you are avoiding sugar then you can try this with a healthy alternative ingredient like honey or maple syrup.

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Candy Grapes Recipe

The bite-sized candy grapes will blow your taste buds with their sweet and sour taste. Coated with sugar syrup and rolled in jello this sweet snack is perfect for parties. It is an enjoyable treat for kids as well as adults.
Prep Time 2 hours 20 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Total Time 2 hours 30 minutes
Course Snack
Cuisine American
Servings 4 persons
Calories 70 kcal


  • Stove
  • Thermometer


  • 2 Cup Grapes
  • 1 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Pack Jello powder reserve 1 teaspoon for sugar syrup
  • 1/2 Cup Water


  • Thoroughly wash the grapes under tap water.
  • Then gently pat them to dry with a kitchen towel.
  • In a saucepan, combine sugar and water.
  • Then let them dissolve over medium heat.
  • Stir the mixture in between until the sugar completely dissolves.
  • Then add a teaspoon of jello powder into the sugar syrup.
  • Stir it to dissolve well.
  • Take a fork or chopstick and one by one dip each grape thoroughly into the sugar syrup.
  • Then place them on a butter paper-lined tray.
  • Let it partly harden for 20-30 minutes.
  • Then generously roll them in jello powder.
  • Let them set on the tray for 1-2 hours at room temperature.
  • Enjoy as a snack or use as a garnish for ice creams and desserts.


The calorie count is based on per serving.
Keyword candied grapes, candy grapes, candy grapes recipe, cotton candy grapes

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